“Sing to Him, Sing praise to Him; tell of all His wonderful acts.” ~I Chronicles 16:9
The Music Ministry is a vital part of our worship experience each week! Whether you play an instrument, sing, or have technical experience, come join us as we praise God for His wonderful deeds!
Children’s Choirs
We have three choirs, including:
- Preschool Choir – Under the direction of Kathy Reaves
- 1st through 5th grade Choir – Under the direction of Ken Patterson.
We utilize volunteers to help with transportation, snacks, and assisting the choir directors.
The Sanctuary Choir
This choir leads our 10:30 a.m. worship service on Sunday mornings. Rehearsal is held at 7:00 p.m. each Wednesday in the Music Suite. This choir is open to anyone with a heart for worship and a love for praising God through song. If you love to sing a variety of music styles in praise of the Lord, our choir is for you!
The Praise Team
Praise Team members are the worship leaders in our 8:15 a.m. Contemporary Worship Service each Sunday morning. Rehearsals are Wednesday nights at 8:00 p.m. in the FBC Sanctuary.
The Youth Choir
The Youth Choir begins each year in September and meets during the school year. Rehearsals are held Sunday afternoons as scheduled in the Choir Room.
FBC Pickers
The FBC Pickers meet each Wednesday at 8:30 a.m. for a bluegrass gospel jam session.
The Tech Team
The technical team supports the worship ministry of our church by operating the soundboard and PowerPoint. PowerPoint is the computer program we use for projecting song lyrics and other images used to enhance the worship experience for our church. If you have skills in this area or would like to be trained to operate this equipment, please contact the Music Ministry Office at (256) 582-5141.
Looking Forward
We are looking for a few good players willing to use their skills for God’s glory during the 10:30 a.m. service! If you play a musical instrument such as horns, percussion, woodwinds, and strings and would like to participate please contact the church Music Ministry Office at 256-582-5141 or via email at kpatterson@gvillefbc.org.
Music Staff and Instrumentalists
- Ken Patterson – Minister of Music
- Karen Fancher – Pianist (Accompanies the Sanctuary Choir and Plays for the Traditional Worship Service)
- Scotty Martin – Pianist (Plays for the Contemporary Worship Service)
- Ann Sisco – Organist (Plays for the Traditional Worship Service)
- Caroline Smith – Keyboard (Contemporary Service)
- Carson Brown – Bass Guitar (Contemporary Service)
- Heath Landers – Guitarist (Contemporary Service)
- Warren Jones – Rhythm Guitar (Contemporary Service)
- Cody Hasty – Drums (Contemporary Service)
- Music Intern – Carson Brown