Our ministry consists of students in grades 6th – 12th.
Our purpose is to equip students with the gospel, while making disciples, and reaching the lost in the process. It is our prayer that upon completion of the youth ministry the student will be ready to face the world with the sword of truth, and will make the most of every opportunity that they are given to reach the lost, and share the love of Christ.
Very important Youth Mission Trip Interest Meeting on Sunday, September 22 @ 11:30 am in the Youth Building. Visit the FBCgvilleyouth Facebook group page for trip details.
See you at the pole—September 25
Six Flags—October 12—Sign up ASAP
Camping Trip—November 9-11
Passion Conference (for college/career, and HS Jrs./Srs.)—Jan. 6-8, 2025—$75 due by October 1 to secure spot
Strength to Stand—Jan. 17-20, 2025—$80 deposit due by October 2 to secure spot
*See Warren or Heather for details. Sign-ups are required for trips.
Visit youth FB page for links or you may sign up at the youth building.
Check the youth Facebook Page for event sign-ups